Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ok so I started late! Forgive me please! Day one...

Hello to everyone!

Well I kind of put this blog off for a couple of days. As we all know Michael Jackson has passed on to a better place. Well I needed time to get over the shock, now I'M BACK!

So, day one started out just fine, (yesterday). I surfed the net to see what kind of FREE diet program I could follow. I found several. The one that really caught my eye was The Biggest Loser Challenge.
I made up my profile and got my results. The thing I liked about this is it gives you a daily menu of REAL food. Also, it gives you a workout program. I liked my stuff!
Unfortunately I didn't start it like I was supposed to. I took all day long looking for this program that by the time I found it, it happened to be to late in the day.
I tried my hardest to stick to eating less! It's hard! I'm talking about me, a big lady who could eat 2 full servings of food, sometimes even 3! So to limit myself, it was torture! I think I almost cried, seriously, about 3 times. I did however drink a whole lot of water. I don't remember where I heard it but I did, that when you drink a lot of water, the less hungry you feel. I downed about 25, 20 ounce glasses of water in 8 hours. That is so not natural. I have a feeling it might have worked. My stomach didn't growl as much. Oh yes, my stomach did growl, and LOUD too!
When I got to work in the morning about 6:45 am, I was so hungry. Usually I bring 3 packets of instant oatmeal, or I bring a couple yogurts, or even some eggs and bacon. Yesterday, on my day one, I was so unprepared and I brought nothing! I thought to myself if I just drink a couple glasses of water maybe I won't be so hungry. Well I did and guess what, I was still hungry! So I went into our morning meeting. My stomach is growling loud! I sat in my usual place, next to my co-worker Martin. We joke and laugh as always like any other normal day. But that day, I wasn't in much of a laughing mood! I was super hungry! I saw that Martin was eating my absolute favorite thing in the whole entire world! An iced oatmeal cookie. OH YUMMY! I think I may have been drooling but I didn't notice. I was to focused on watching him eat it. Martin must have seen me drooling because he snapped me out of my trance and asked if I wanted one. But of course I want one! I really wanted the whole stinkin' package! Trying to stick to my eating less, I opted for just one. Can you believe that? Just one iced oatmeal cookie! I waited until after the meeting to eat it because I didn't want to seem like a ravenous pig! Especially in front of 23 guys! I would have never heard the end of it! So I get to my desk, cookie in hand. Sit down with a tall glass of water and the cookie. I take my first bite, oh god I think I'm enjoying this more than anything in the world right now. My office could be up in flames and falling down all around me but I just don't care at this point! It's all about me and my iced oatmeal cookie! Oh yum! I'm in heaven! I can hear the angels singing to me with every bite that I take! What a wonderful morning this was!
My day goes on. I drank a whole lot of water between breakfast and lunch. I must have went to the restroom like 20 times in that short period. That's just great! I am taking into account that I have to walk clear across the building to the other side to use my restroom. That means, in my eyes, that I am getting in my physical fitness! At times I was even running! That got my heartbeat up so it counted!
For lunch, I went ahead and bought a package of cream cheese and chives crackers and a diet coke. Hey at least I had a diet coke! That didn't satisfy me at all! I was still hungry!! I had to suck it up and take it. I should've known to bring a lunch and some breakfast right?
So time goes on, I still drink like a million glasses of water. I think I'm going to drown!
I get home. I am so glad I am home. I look all over for snacks, anything I can get my hands on. With my luck, I didn't have any in the house. So I go into my room and watch TV. I'm so mad that I just don't feel like working out much. I want some easy snack food. I'm so weak at this point!
So dinner rolls around, my choices are a tamale or some beans. I chose the beans. I made me a bean and cheese burrito. YUMMY! I ate that thing in 30 seconds flat! It went down good too! I so wanted another but I convinced myself that one would be enough. I ate the burrito at 7:00 pm.
I get the kids bathed and ready for bed. I change into my pajamas and lay down to watch a movie with my son. All was fine until about 10:00pm. I wanted to cry so bad because I was hungry!!! Somebody please help me. Thank goodness the day was over! I fell asleep.

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