Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Past behavior predicts future behavior, right? Let's get this started!

Happy day to all! Thank you for taking the time to enjoy my blog!
I am a 32 year old mother of 4 and wife to a wonderful husband.
I have always battled with my weight since around junior high school. That's when the boys start noticing you, you start noticing them and we want to look our best. It's hard, I was boy crazy at that age and I wanted to be the one they wanted! Who didn't, right? So I started restricting what I ate.
I never was the skinny girl in my group of friends. I always had the thicker body, kind of like an athletic build. So in my prepubescent eyes I wasn't skinny enough.
I restricted what I ate to sometimes only allowing myself a snickers bar and a diet coke all day. This stuck with me all the through high school. By the time my senior year came around I was 100 pounds and a size 3. I was pretty proud of myself because I thought I looked good. But my family and close friends thought differently.
I got pregnant in May of 1995 and had my first daughter. As soon as I had her I immediately started restricting what I ate again, who wants to be a fat teenage mom? So I got back down to my size 3. Well watch out world because I got pregnant with my other daughter not that long after! (Those boy crazy hormones!!!) Again I restricted what I ate and lost all the weight after my second daughter was born. Easy as pie, I thought!
Yeah right!
So I live my life. A couple of years pass.
I fall in love and get married. I moved from Gilroy California all the way to Artesia New Mexico.
In my mind, I got the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with. He loved me for me and everything about me. So I relaxed and started eating real food again. YUMMY!
Two more kids later, (for those who are counting all my kids equal to 4!), I am at a whopping 250 pounds!!! Watch out world, here comes a big mamma! I can't even tell you what pant size I wore because all I wore was sweats and t shirts. I thought I looked good. My husband never complained!
I didn't realize how big I was until I started my current job. I landed an awesome job at a natural gas processing plant. I am the only lady with 23 guys. Of course these guys never said anything about my weight. They were much to wise and mature for that.
It wasn't until we had to pose for a group picture! OH NO!! Were they serious? In my head I thought to myself, I'll do it, I'll just hide in the back and let my head peak through. Sounds like I had my plan working. Only one problem, I work with a bunch of abnormally tall guys! So me being 5"4', the photographer wanted me in the front. So be it, I wanted to get this over with already.
Oh my goodness. If you could only see how big I was! I took up the whole first row!
I decided I was going to go on a diet. So I mentioned it to some guys at work and they joined in. We had a weight loss contest going on.
I started the Atkins diet and I stuck to that, it was what I thought about all day every day. I became obsessed.
It worked! I went from 250 pounds down to 170. The contest was over but I wanted to lose more. I kept on going. I got down to 150 pounds. I was impressed. I thought to myself, this is where I want to be. So I stopped the diet. I was, in my eyes, skinny. I could eat whatever I wanted now!
Two months later, bringing us to today. I have since gained 20 pounds back!! 20 whole pounds!
I went to the doctor last week and asked for a diet plan. He described to me the Atkins diet AGAIN and prescribed some diet pills for me. Shoot,I wasn't going to pass that up! He gave me a magic little diet pill!
Well it came with strict instructions! Instructions that I am having trouble following.
The typical eat healthy and exercise instructions. I am really lazy when it comes to physical fitness!
So I welcome you all to my blog. My Fat Lady on a diet blog! I figure that I am not the only one in the world struggling to make a lifestyle change!
I've done my research on the Internet. Do you know how many "diet" plans there are on the net?? So I looked up books. I'll find me a book that I can read that has words like gold to help me lose the weight. YEAH RIGHT! There are even more "diet" books then there are "diet" plans on the Internet! Of course you can't chose a book because now, they are all written by doctors and nutritionist! So who is right? Which one works?
I want to do the easiest most convenient change to my diet. I don't want to have to go buy only certain brands of food. Or specialty food that I would have to order off the Internet because I live 300 miles away from a big city that has specialty food stores. Even more so, I'd hate to go buy those expensive meal plans. If I was able to afford those then I think I could afford a personal chef! Who wants to eat frozen foods anyway? I want a home cooked meal!
I start this journey today. I want ciber space and all it's people to see me through this. I am not going to start a certain diet, follow any ones books, or even starve myself.
I am going to watch what I eat. I'll try my hardest to stay away from the starchy foods and the sweets. I will be posting what I have eaten through the day and what I have done that is physical. I also will be sharing my current weight and my pant size. I figure if I do it this way, I will have to report to the world about my progress and not just myself.
I will be posting up pictures of me now. I will then post them of me while on my journey.
I will welcome any advice and suggestions you may have.
Also, if you live in my area, I welcome you to join me walking in the evenings or maybe even work out.
Thank you for reading today. I hope you enjoyed it! I'll be checking in tomorrow, day 1!
Let's get this started already!

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