Thursday, July 16, 2009

A little bump in the road...

Okay. So it's been a long while since my last blog. I do seriously apologize!
I have to keep regular appointments with my doctor. I had an appointment a couple of weeks ago. It wasn't too good. I'm okay. I was told to hold off on the "dieting" and exercising for a while. I can go for walks but nothing to physical.
So this is my speed bump in my road. It sucks BIG TIME!
He didn't say I couldn't get obsessed about my house. That in itself keeps me pretty physical!
So now these days instead of doing my cardio and restricting what I eat, I am now a clean freak! I have to be doing something every minute of the day! It's unbelievable!
So now my house is organized. When I'm done organizing it, I have to go and rearrange it just to have something to do. When I sit down and try to relax, I end up thinking about what I have to do next or what I can do next. So I end up getting up and doing it instead of resting. It's crazy!
It's the same here at work. I have reorganized our supply closet like 50 million times, cleaned out my desk, and organized the files. Now my next mission is to tackle the file room.
I started this keeping busy stuff on Monday, so I can tell now that it's working. I feel more energized. I feel like I can do anything! My pants are as tight as they were before. I haven't gotten on the scale to see if I have actually lost pounds but I know for a fact that I have lost inches. That's good!
I encourage everyone to get up and move around their house or office. You'll feel the difference in a couple of days I can almost guarantee it!
Well this is it for now. I know it's pretty short. If y'all have any questions or comments let me know! Thank you for reading today!



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