Friday, July 3, 2009

My new Plan of Attack. WATCH OUT!

Okay so it's been a couple of days since I last posted on here for you guys. I have been eating good. I've been cooking my breakfast and lunches. I've had chicken breast, boiled and eggs, scrambled and hard boiled. Si I pretty much have a bland diet. It's not to exciting for me and hard to keep me motivated. I do appreciate all the calls and emails you guys have been sending me cheering me on! That helps a whole lot!
So I started walking again. I walk 13 blocks one way and back. I haven't weighed myself yet and I think I'm going to hold off until next week. I have been researching the net again to see what kind of meals and recipes I can find to spice up my food. So I decided, I want a personal trainer! Okay I know we are not rich and realistically we cannot afford one. But I found a site that has free on\line personal training with meal plans. It's called They give me a week at a time meal plan with a week at a time exercises program. Of course I have to input on a daily basis what I ate what exercises I did. If I don't it won't give me the next weeks plan. I figure I want to look and feel good. If this plan can give it to me then so be it! I am excited! I am going to start it on Sunday. I am so stoked about it. My real goal in my head is to actually find one of those fitness competitions near by like sometime next year and enter it. So how realistic that is I really don't know. That's hat I want to do. So, my journey is only getting better. I really wanted to lose weight like super fast. I wanted to hopefully lose my 20 pounds that I gained before August first but I know that cannot happen in a healthy way.
My plan for my body transformation:
I would like to get my belly as close to a six pack as I can get.I want to get my arms nice and toned.
I would like to walk around with out a bra, sorry guys but it's true, with out having my boobs sag down to my waist.
I want some definition in my pencil legs.
I want to wear a bra and not make it look like I have 20 rolls around my bra in the back!
Last but not least, I would like to have my butt transformed! It is flatter than a wall right now. I want to actually have a booty! and not a jiggly one either!
I have a mental picture of what I want to look like and I know it can be done. I have seen before and after pictures n different Trainers websites. I would post a picture of what I look like now, in a bikini, but I have a couple of problems with that. First, I don't own a bikini. Next, I don't want you guys to get either sick to your stomach, or get super nightmares and never want to read my blog again! So I'll spare you. I'll see if I can get a picture of me in jeans and a t-shirt. I'll post that! That will keep this more G rated! lol
Just to let you all know what I am starting out at, I'll give you some stats that I haven't given to you guys in the past posts.
I'm 5'4", I weigh in at 171 pounds, I am in a size 12, and my bra size is a 36 F.
So there you all go! All the gory details of my body. That should give y'all a mental picture of what I look like.
This is a short post, and I do apologize. I will post again on Monday morning. The day after my first day of training. I hope everyone has a fun, happy, and safe 4Th of July! Enjoy the fireworks! Oh yeah and I fixed this site so you can post comments. Sorry about that!
Have a super fabulous weekend!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow you are inspiring me to start my own diet blog. I will call it "flabby lady on a diet" lol
    All joking aside you are doing a really good thing not only for yourself but for your family and all of us reading your blog. Most of my family members are Diabetic. Even though I have taken a few steps back and recognized that me and my kids are totally vunerable and have to be proactive with eating healthy and exercising it is easier said then done. I not only want to be healthy for myself, but for husband, my kids, my grandkids & my great grandkids when that time comes around. Looking hot wouldn't hurt either! So keep on going, you can totally do it! luv Michelle G
