Wednesday, July 8, 2009

waiting, how long do I have to wait?

So, I have gone on just about all the Fitness Trainers websites. I have filled out my questionnaires, health surveys, and all the information they need to see what i the heck they can do to help me. It's been over a week already and I have only heard from 1 trainer so far! At that, the trainer wanted MORE information to get my fitness analysis and needs done.
So what do you do? I went ahead and e-mailed her all the information she requested. She also requested a picture of me in a bikini! Can you believe it? ME in a bikini??? YEAH RIGHT! I don't think so! She said she needs it to evaluate what I look like. So after much consideration and careful thought I figured, if she really needs it then I'll go ahead and do it! First thing first, I need to go buy a bikini.
So I am on a mission this week to find a bikini that doesn't make me look that bad. Is there such a thing? If anyone out there knows of any, let me know where to find it! Good luck to myself in bikini hunting!
I have been eating like there has been no tomorrow! I bought all good food. I'm going to try and stay on a low fat or at least under 1200 calories. At least until they give me a diet plan. I vary rarely go out to eat so that is not a problem for me. What is the problem is I am addicted to ice cream and cookies! Occasionally chips, (Doritos to be exact). So I eat healthy for a couple of days and then out of no where I find I have a cookie in my mouth or a bowl full of ice cream. Naturally I don't feel at all guilty about it until after it's all gone and I have licked the bowl clean!
Part of this challenge is to learn how to avoid those foods. I have them in the house and I don't think I'll ever have a home without them. I have children in the house. Yes, I do limit what they can eat and try to get them to eat healthy, but the occasional cookies and ice cream or chips with their sandwich won't hurt THEM. So I will continue to buy them. I just have to build up my will power, tolerance, and strength to stay away from them. I know I can do it! I did it just last year up until May of this year! I just wish that there was a switch in the back of my head that I can turn off so I don't crave those foods anymore.
I've cleared up a space to work out in. I have a TV set up and my DVD player in there too. All I have to do is start. I have a whole library of DVDs and I have a friend who is going to lend me some of hers. I can't wait. I am seriously going to start tonight. I am not going to go out and buy any specialized work out equipment. I don't have the money for it or the space. I specified that to the trainers I have picked out and asked them to work around this. I do have the 5 pound hand weights and I think some where in my storage area I have some 3 pound leg weights. When the time is right, I will start using them. I'm a weakling right now and can barley handle my limbs on there own!
So, there you have it! I'm still alive and kicking. I'm still looking for a trainer. But in the meantime, I will tackle this on my own.
If any one of you out there have any suggestions on any work out DVDs, email me: . I'd really appreciate it! Thank you for reading and I'll post again in a couple of days.

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